Sunday, August 2, 2020

Term 3, Week 2

We have had a wonderful start to Term 3. The students have been excited to return to school to see their friends and teachers. It has been lovely to see all their smiling faces! Each one has settled back quickly into classroom routines and applying what they have learnt in Terms 1 and 2. We are hopeful that this will be a smooth term and all school activities will gradually return to normal. 




In week 2 we introduced the phonic sound Ll as in leg, leaf, and lollipop. We made paper bag lobster puppets and snipped a lion’s mane to practise our cutting skills! We would love children to look around the home for an object that starts with Ll “Lemon starts with Ll, Ll, Ll.” Looking, touching and labelling items, helps children build on their vocabulary of words. Everyday objects show them actual objects (rather than an image or explanation of the object) and allows them to interact and enhance their understanding and learning in a fun way.  


News Telling

The Kindy theme for Term 3 is “Commotion in the Ocean” and all learning areas will be integrated to link with this theme. We will be starting our news telling program later in the term, using the above topic. Children will bring in an object or picture about something connected to the ocean. We will be learning from each other, hence each child will share some information about their chosen item. A week before your child’s rostered news day, a reminder will be sent home.  



We started Guided Reading in Kindy this week. The students have been learning about the concept of print, now they have started learning to hold their own book and follow the text with their finger as we read together. Students will also begin to have these books sent home from week 4. Please spend some time with your child reading the book. There are questions on the right side of each page that can be used to support your child’s reading and comprehension skills. Please remember that children are not expected to read the book themselves yet, but encourage them to track the words with their pointer finger, as you read aloud and encourage them to join in as they are able. Talking about what is happening in the pictures and what might happen next are great ways of building your child’s understandings of what is being read. It is important that books are returned promptly on the due date to ensure they can be sent home to other students. If you have any questions, please speak to the class teacher. 



This week we continued to build on number sense and continued to work on understanding number lines. Students practised finding the missing number on a 1 to 10 number line. They have also been learning to identify the number that comes before and after. Students have been introduced to the concept of counting on. This week we will be counting objects into a bucket, e.g. 5 shells, and then count on 6, 7, as we add two more items. They will also be learning all about the Number 12 (Twelve is just a one and a two, write the number and say choo-choo!) 


NAIDOC was celebrated by the whole school this week. The Kindy classes participated in a ‘Bush Tucker’ incursion run by the South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL). This week we also made a nature collage with our buddy class. We have been having a lot of fun listening to indigenous music and keeping the beat with the beautiful clapping sticks we painted last term.  


The Kindy teachers have organised a SCITECH Incursion for their students next week. It will be run during school hours, and each child is required to pay $6 to attend. A parent note has also been sent home regards this incursion. Please remember to return permission slips and pay the money early this week. 


Thank you for your support during these challenging times and keeping your children on track with their learning. We look forward to a brilliant week ahead! 

Week 2 Photos

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