Saturday, May 30, 2020

Week 5

News Flash!!
We are half-way through Term 2 and Monday the 1st June is a Public holiday! Enjoy the long weekend together and maybe explore something special about WA, which the children can incorporate into their news telling.

We have had such a great week exploring the initial phonic sound ‘kicking’ Kk. It was a week of kites, kicking kangaroos, King’s crown, Kids in the kitchen and more. Kk is a ‘tricky’ sound as it can be confused with Cc which has the same initial phonic sound. In Kindy, we use the words ‘curly’ and ‘kicking’ to help the children to distinguish between Cc and Kk.

Show & Tell has had an enthusiastic start with the children bringing in great items and learning from each other about our wonderful country. Fantastic speaking and listening skills are developing. We would like to see the children develop the confidence to speak independently without assistance and prompting. Sharing news is a fun way to build oral language, gain confidence and assist with initial phonic sounds with links to words and vocabulary. Please plan simple sentences about your child’s object/picture and practise news telling before their rostered day. Thank you.

Rhyme - Over the past few weeks the students have been exposed to rhyming. When two words sound the same at the end and hat end with at, they rhyme. Children may find rhyming difficult to grasp, so please explain it to them in their home language, if necessary. When students can hear the rhyming sounds in words, they demonstrate phonemic awareness, which is essential for early reading. To teach this skill, books, pictures and games can be used to demonstrate and reinforce rhyming techniques. Children also learn rhyming by listening to stories, poems and songs that are easy and fun to remember. Nonsense rhyming words are acceptable too!

Science - This week we experimented with launching different objects from a catapult! Students made predictions about which objects would fly higher through the air when launched from the catapult. Students quickly noticed that the lighter objects flew higher into the air, while the heavier objects flew much lower to the ground.

HASS - This week students have been learning about Australia! We have been looking at what Australia looks like on a map and where Wattle Grove is located within Australia. To reinforce the phonic sound Kk, we have also been learning about native Australian animals such as kangaroos, kookaburras and koalas. Students thoroughly enjoyed singing along to the Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree nursery rhyme. 

Alphabet and number flashcard sheets will be sent home next week for students to use at home to reinforce their learning. These will replace the ‘brain boxes’ that were used earlier this year. Please keep these flashcards in a safe place and use them as and when they are needed. It is important to remember that initial letter sounds are the focus and NOT letter names. Phonemic awareness is the foundation for early reading and in developing the skills for spelling and writing. If in doubt of the phonic sound, go to 
Please follow the blog for the letters being taught each week.

Study ladder logins have also been sent home, and tasks have been set. Get started and enjoy reviewing concepts already taught at school.

Next week we will be revising concepts covered over this semester. This will assist students to transfer and reinforce knowledge to their long-term memory. The following are some skills you could revise at home:

Literacy: Initial phonic sounds Ss-Aa-Tt-Pp-Ii-Nn-Mm-Rr-Cc-Kk. Syllables i.e. counting parts in a word. Sight words I, am, a, look, Mum, can, at. Sequencing and retelling stories using a beginning, middle and end.

Mathematics: Numbers 1 to 10. Say a number between 1-10, then ask your child to count on from this number. Order numbers, count objects to match a numeral and identify dots on a dice.

Find the time to relax and have fun over the short mid-term break!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Week 4

Week 4 has been a fun-filled week full of crafts and activities that celebrate the Cc phonic sound. It has been great to see students settling back into our classroom routines, and we have enjoyed having all of our friends back at school this week!

In Literacy this week, students have been learning the initial letter sound Cc, for example cat starts with c, c, c. During the week we have been reading the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar, making handprint crabs, using construction materials to build castles, and serving coffees and cakes in our new café! Students have also been practising how to use their bodies to count the syllables in words and have loved singing along to The Syllable Song.

In Numeracy, our number of the week was the number 9. Students have been practising how to write the number, recognise the number and count to 9. During the week, students made number caterpillars, fed 9 leaves to their caterpillar, and sang along to Dr Knickerbocker.

Next week we will be looking at the initial letter sound Kk, for example king starts with k, k, k, and our number of the week will be the number 10. To reinforce the sound of the week and the number of the week, students will be making kites and will be counting 10 colourful tails to attach to their kites.

Over the next week, students will be sent home with a set of flashcards covering the sounds that we have learnt so far (Aa, Ss, Tt, Nn, Pp, Ii, Mm, Rr, Cc). These flashcards will be given to you on a sheet of paper and will just need to be cut out. We encourage you to use these flashcards to revise letter sounds with your child at home whenever possible. These flashcards will be yours to keep and will not need to be returned to school.

Just a friendly reminder that news telling will begin this week and news notes will continue to be sent home over the coming weeks.

Congratulations to our Room 4 students who received a merit certificate this week!

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Week 3

Reminder - Please remember to bring library bags for Monday, as Monday is still our library day.

It's hard to believe that we are already at the end of Week 3! Rainbow Week has been a busy and enjoyable week exploring the phonic sound Rr. It has been full of colour and fun!

During our literacy sessions we have been dancing like robots, making robots with different coloured shapes, making rockets to launch for science, using letter road mats to practise tracing our letters with toy cars and playing in our restaurant.

During numeracy, we have been learning AB patterns (for example, blue, orange, blue, orange or head, shoulders, head, shoulders) and creating these with beads to make pattern necklaces. Our focus number has been the number 8 and the children had fun counting 8 legs to make a spider.
Our afternoons have been full of science. We launched our rockets off our verandah and made a rainbow with m&m's and water. 

We look forward to another busy week in Kindergarten next week. During Week 4, we will be introducing the phonic Cc as in cat and caterpillar and introducing the number 9. To reinforce the phonic sound we will be reading The Hungry Caterpillar and exploring the beginning, middle and end of the story during our shared reading sessions.

Over the next coming weeks, notes will go home for news telling which will begin in Week 5. Study ladder logins will also be sent home in Week 5, which will assist children with concepts we have taught at school. As always, if there are any queries please contact me. 

Rainbow Day Photos

Monday, May 11, 2020

Rainbow Day

Mother's Day Song

We hope that all of our wonderful Room 4 Kindy blue group mums had a lovely Mother's Day!

Please login to Connect to watch the children singing a very special Mother's Day song!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

My Sound Adventures Booklet - At Home Task

On Thursday students were sent home with their completed My Sound Adventures booklet. We please ask that you try to read this booklet with your child as much as possible over the next week to help your child practise saying the sound that each letter makes and to also practise reading the sight words 'look' and 'a'. Children will be tested on their letter sounds in the coming weeks. If you could please return their booklet to school by the end of Week 3 that would be very much appreciated.
Many thanks.

Welcome back to Term 2!

We hope that you are all keeping safe and well.

For students working from home, your work packages are now available on the school website using the school website username and passwords issued by email or at the Department of Education's Connect website using the Connect passwords issued by email.