Saturday, August 8, 2020

Term 3, Week 3

NAIDOC week celebrations at Wattle Grove have been informative and entertaining. The teachers and children have really enjoyed the incursion, class activities and buddy class activities.





This week, our phonic sound was Bb as in bat, balloon and ballerina. We extended our laundry play area, to include a bathroom for our Bb phonic sound. The children in Kindy have really been enjoying 'washing', 'ironing' and hanging up the clothes. We hope they are helping you at home also!


News Telling

The topic is 'Commotion in the Ocean'. A week before your child’s news day, a note will be sent home. Please help your child to choose a picture/object of their favourite sea animal. They will need to name their sea creature, say why it is their favourite animal and state 2 interesting facts about it. 



We have started Guided Reading at school. The children have loved holding their own book and following the text with their finger as we read together. Children will begin to have these books sent home on a rotation. Please spend some time with your child reading the book together. There are questions on the right side of each page that can be used to support your child’s reading and comprehension skills. Please remember that children are not expected to read the book themselves yet, but encourage them to track the words with their pointer finger as you read aloud and encourage them to join in as they are able. Talking about what is happening in the pictures and what might happen next are great ways of building your child’s understandings of what is being read. It is important that books are returned promptly on the due date to ensure they can be sent home to other children. We will send home a reading record (in their homework folder) and children will receive stickers as the books are returned. 




Our number of the week is the number 13. We are learning to identify numbers on a number line and we have also been learning to identify the number that comes before and after. We have introduced the concept of counting on. We are doing activities in class, such as counting objects into a bucket. For example, 5 shells, and then counting on 6, 7, as we added two more items.


Upcoming Events


Term 3 is a busy term with many events taking place. Please make sure you continue to read school newsletters and the class blog to keep up to date.


Over the coming weeks, we will be learning a range of team games such as the egg and spoon race, flag race, beanbag toss and circle ball in preparation for our tabloid sport carnival! We will also run on our oval to prepare for our running races. The children really look forward to these fun days!


As well as the sports carnival, we will prepare for Father's Day and Book Week. More information will follow before these special dates. 

We look forward to another fun week in Kindy!

Week 3 Photos

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