Saturday, March 21, 2020

Week 8

The end of Term 1 is soon approaching and we would love to say a huge thank you for your ongoing involvement and support. Thank you to all of our parent volunteers who have kindly given up their mornings to assist us with our literacy rotations - it has been a pleasure having you in our classroom!
The children continue to amaze us each week, as they are now confident in performing daily class routines such as lining up for class after recess and lunch, putting lunch boxes and hats away in their bags, and rotating through activities with their designated groups.


Brain boxes - On Thursday we sent home colour cards in each child's brain box. We ask that you practise these with your child over the weekend and please return them on Monday (23rd March).  

Library - Please bring library books and library bags on Monday, as students will have library every Monday.

Harmony Day - Thursday 26th March (Blue) and Friday 27th March (Red) the whole school will be celebrating Harmony Day. Children can wear international costumes or the colour orange to celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity. Children must wear regular school shoes.

Harmony Day Photos

Harmony Day dancing!

Making paper chain families to show children that not
all families are the same.


This week students will be learning about the phonic sound Nn. Throughout the week we will be focusing on words that start with this sound. For example nest starts with n n n, nose starts with n n n, and night starts with n n n. This week students will have the opportunity to explore our baby nursery play area and create starry night skies using their fine motor skills and shiny star stickers! Students will continue to practise identifying the initial sound in their name and will also continue to practise writing their name.

The children loved using their new magic wands when
practicing their letter writing.


Our number of the week is the number 5. Students will learn how to write the number 5 and recognise the number 5 in dot patterns (also known as subitising). We will also review numbers 1 to 4, focusing on recognising these numbers in the form of numerals, dot patterns, and collections of objects.

Easter Egg Fun!
We used easter eggs to help practise our counting and
colour sorting.


Over the past few weeks we have been revising best hygiene practices with the children, as these are vital life skills that are of extreme importance during this time. These practices include coughing and sneezing into elbows, using correct hand washing procedures, and washing hands before meals and after using the toilet. We encourage you to remind your child to continue these practices at home, to ensure best hygiene practice becomes part of your child’s daily routine both at home and at school. We also remind you to please keep your child home if they are unwell, as staying home is often the best way to allow your child to recover from sickness and prevent the spread of illness within the community.


Just a friendly reminder that these students will need to bring in their news for this week:


We look forward to a great week 8!
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your class teacher.

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