Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week 7

The children are improving their fine motor skills particularly with hand preference, pencil grip and pressure. We are teaching pencil grip with Polly Pilot and Peter Pilot flying our pencil plane. They have also started to use scissors at school and are learning how to cut using the rhyme “Open shut them, open shut them, give a little snip. Open shut them, open shut them, go along the track.” Cutting is quite a complex task for a child and takes time and practice to learn how to use scissors correctly. To ensure proper scissor grip, have them slide their first two fingers into the long, oval shaped handle and their thumb into the round one. Children need to be given opportunities both at home and school to learn this skill …. practice really does make perfect! 


Library - Please bring library books and library bags on Monday, as students will have library every Monday.


This week we will be revising the initial letter sounds Aa, Ss and  Tt, for example, Ant starts with a, a, a Sun starts with s, s, s. and Tiger starts with t, t, t. We will continue to focus on name recognition and what sound our name starts with.

Making our  a-a-a, s-s-s, t-t-t flip books!

Drawing self portraits

Drawing self portraits

Practicing writing the letters Aa, Ss and Tt.

Trains and towers mat play.

The children have loved practicing their dance moves this week!

The children have loved practicing their dance moves this week!


This week we will focus on the number four. The students will continue focusing on the collection of dots on a dice, without counting. They will also practise to orally count in order starting at one.

 Making our number 4 pizzas!

Tap Tap 

Digging for numbers and tracing numbers on our number
road mats.

Brain Boxes

Each child is taking home an individualised ‘Brain Box’ which contains concepts for children to use at home to reinforce learning that has been taught in class. Each child is required to practice these concepts at home regularly for a short time each day and return them to school. The teacher will then review them and either return the same, (if further practice is required) or change them for those who have fully grasped the concept. These boxes are school property and need to be taken care of and returned after a week.


Could these students please bring in their news this week: 





Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to another busy and fun week in Kindergarten.

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