Thursday, December 10, 2020

Week 9

The weeks are flying past quickly and the end is fast approaching. We only have another two weeks together, before everyone ‘Graduates’ from Kindy into Pre-primary! What an amazing year and what amazing children we have had the pleasure to teach.



We have now covered all letter sounds and twenty high frequency sight words: a, I, am, at, look, Mum, Dad, can, it, is, in, like, the, see, we, here, go, to, will, this.

During the last few weeks of Kindy, we will be building on our knowledge of sight words and three letter words (cvc) and using them independently when writing short sentences and reading simple texts. e.g. Sam can hop and runThe pig will go in the mud.



We are learning to partition numbers into small collections using concrete materials up to 6. Partitioning refers to how numbers can be split into parts. It allows students to see the relationship between a number and its component parts. For e.g. a six can be made into one and five or two and four or three and three. This leads to making connections to addition and subtraction.


Dance Parties

Dance classes continue and the children are getting very good at the various dances they are learning. The Presentation Dance Parties will be conducted at school on Monday 14 December for Blue Group. Children can wear party clothes and stay in their outfits for the whole school day. 


Class Picnic

We will be having our class picnic after the dance party. It will be an exciting day! 



Reports are due to go home on Thursday 17 December. 


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