Sunday, September 13, 2020

Week 8

 The Kindy kids spent Week 7 ‘secretly’ preparing for Fathers Day! The children did an amazing job making cards, keyrings, medals, paintings and retelling facts about their Dads. We hope all their ‘daddies’ felt the love they put into making their gifts and that they spent a great Sunday together. What wonderful memories to cherish of their first year at school.


On Friday of Week 7, the Kindy children enjoyed being a part of the whole school, participating in the Faction March Past and the running races. Many thanks to the Blue Group parents who brought their children to school to take part in their flat race. It was an overwhelming day for some and very exciting for others, but a fun day was had by all!


K/PP Tabloid Afternoon 

Due to a number of whole school events occurring during the reminder of the term. This event is now scheduled for Wednesday, 14 October 2020. More details to follow.


This week for Literacy we focused on the initial letter sound Oo i.e. octopus starts with Oo, Oo, Oo, oval starts with Oo, Oo, Oo.  octagon starts with Oo, Oo, Oo.  We had an Optometrist Play corner open for the week, with an office to get the ‘best’ advice on eye care, eye charts for testing sight, glasses, writing appointments and scripts and much more to stimulate the children’s imagination and social skills.

The children are also learning to read and write sentences using the sight words we have learnt and sounding out other words. The sight word for Week 8 was like. An example of a sentence could be We like the c/a/t. When writing a sentence, we are learning to start with a capital letter, leave spaces between words and end with a full stop. It is important to encourage children to use the correct letter and number formations whenever they have a go at writing.


Syllables are the very basic part of a word. Counting syllables is a pre-reading skill and helps the process of decoding. The Kindies have been working on counting syllables and would enjoy showing off their skills. Try asking how many syllables are in a word of your choice and discover how clever they are! Below are some examples of syllables:

One syllable words: tree, fun, kite.

Two syllable words: hel/lo, run/ning, par/ty.

Three syllable words: el/e/phant, fan/tas/tic.

Four syllable words: al/li/ga/tor, hel/i/cop/ter.



In Mathematics, we are continuing to reinforce our learning of numbers 1 to 15 (i.e. identifying and writing numerals, making collections and counting in sequence). We are also learning how to put two numbers together by using the counting on technique i.e. 5 and 3 = put 5 in my head and count on 3 – 6, 7, 8. The answer is 8. We have also been linking ordinal numbers to our experience of participating in the races during the Sport Carnival last week e.g. Ms Roberts came 1st, Mrs Peake came 2nd and Miss Smith came 3rd and Mrs Fletcher came 4th in the running race.


Finally, the teachers would like to mention how very proud they are of all their Kindergarten children. They worked very hard and participated with enthusiasm through an extremely busy week. Super effort!

Week 8 Photos

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