It was exciting this week as the students learnt many new
WOW words to build their vocabulary. e.g. envelope, escape, elevator. They
would love to show you how clever they are – just ask them!
Our Hospital Emergency Department was kept busy with our ‘doctors’ working
hard looking after the ‘patients’ who needed extra care.
Next week they
will be practising their dentistry skills
with the dolls, who may need their teeth fixed! Social dramatic
play is greatly enjoyed by all the students and helps teach them social skills
to share, use their imagination, and communicate while working together.
Next week we are focusing on the initial letter sound Dd as in - Doll starts with d, d, d.
Drum starts with d, d, d. Dinosaur starts with d, d, d.
Our new sight word is Dad. We will be
learning to recognise this word in sentences and making up our own sentences
that use the word Dad. For example:
Dad can sit.
I am a dad.
Look Mum, Dad can run.
When reading books with your child, you may like to ask them to find
words that they recognise. Sight words that have been learnt so far are look,
Mum, am, at, I, a, can.
The students are continuing to review their skills in identifying, ordering, counting and using one to one correspondence for numbers 1 to 10. They will also reinforce recognising dots on a dice, without counting. Our focus for the next two weeks will be to start counting from different points on a number line e.g. starting at 5 and counting 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
NAIDOC Week has been postponed from the original July dates to November, due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic across communities and cities. Wattle Grove Primary School will still be celebrating NAIDOC Week in July. In preparation the Kindy students will learn about the history and culture of Aboriginal people. They will participate in activities based on stories, art, craft and songs. NAIDOC is celebrated by Australians from all walks of life and provides an opportunity to stand together and acknowledge our Indigenous Australians.
It has been very rewarding to see each child making progress in their learning since the beginning of this year and we are extremely proud of them. It must be noted that each child progresses at their own pace and at their appropriate developmental levels, hence regular support and reinforcement of concepts taught needs to be consistent both at school and home. The children have been assessed for mid-year reports that will be issued at the end of this term. Please talk to your child and support them, so that they can independently and confidently demonstrate their learning.
We are so proud of all our ‘bounce back bears’ who made it through the challenging times that we have faced over this semester and have come out happy and well.
Two more weeks to go before the holidays! Keep strong, healthy and warm as winter progresses.
Congratulations to our merit certificate recipients!
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